Walking with Zeus - What I Wore:: 5.3.12

My favorite part of the day, besides working on art and sewing at home, is my little breaks with my boyfriend's dog, Zeus. I love getting out of the house and taking him around town. We go on fun little adventures and he always gets so excited! Last Thursday we went for a walk downtown to the geyser fountain along the river to cool off. Before getting soaked, we stopped at the bike mural on 9th street for a few photos. 

It's already in the 90s here in Augusta. That means one thing: this summer is going to be miserable! I can't believe it's getting too hot for ballet flats, and one thing I refuse to wear in public is flip flops. It's time to break out all my summer dresses, lose all my bras, and wear as little clothing as possible, while covering ups much as possible without dying! I love wearing summer dresses with built in bras, or with at least some support, and let's be honest, I don't need much support. My favorite summer outfit combo: a dress, flats, a little purse, big sunglasses and pulling my hair back. I see many high buns in my future.

Matt and I just got back from a weekend in North Carolina (post on the trip later this week), and we couldn't bring Zeus. The house was pet-free and the beaches are dog free in the summer months. Even though Zeus isn't technically mine, I love him so much and it was sad not having him around. It was also so hard seeing how sad it made Matt, not having his dog joining us. Because of all the the above things, we are currently looking for a 1960s-70s camper to take out on weekends, camping and exploring the south, so Zeus isn't left behind anymore. We're making a big effort to be able to have him join us on weekend trips. I can't wait!

Outfit details:
Top: Cat tank top, gift, Forever 21. Belt: vintage. 
Purse: Coach, vintage. Skirt: thrifted. Shoes: Aldo.
Watch and sunglasses: vintage, thrifted.

Isn't that the sweetest dog you ever did see? I'm so happy to be home with my cats and Zeus. Sunburnt, skinned, and bruised. Back to normal life. Happy Monday everyone! I'm back to work all day, let's see if I can stay focused and stop scouring Craigslist for campers within a 100 mile radius under $1,000. It's so exciting!


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