Morning Stroll

Fall is finally here, kind of. Living in Georgia, our fall doesn't really kick in for another two months. It was 8:30 am this morning as Zeus and I took these photos around the corner from our house, and halfway through I can barely stand to have my light cardigan on, and hair down. The high today is 90 degrees and so humid! Whooo! It's going to be hot for another month, I can feel it. I know the rest of the country is still going through quite a heat wave. What's the weather like in your neck of the woods? 

Zeus looks like the biggest cry baby in this photo. Pouting and sticking out his fat lip. Such a sensitive boy. He was actually in heaven smelling a place he'd never been before. I had the hardest time carrying my tripod, camera, coffee, and purse, while walking an excited 110 pound dog full of energy. Good thing the pattern on my skirt hides the coffee spills and stains.

Yesterday, Matt and I worked from home on the fixtures for my art show in a few weeks, with the TV on for something to ignore, and I caught all the terrible morning talk shows (I swear all those women are drunk that host those shows!). Every show had a "Fall Style Preview" segment, all of which were absolutely hideous mock ups of "fall fashion". Matt and I just laughed at how terrible everything looked. The only "trend" I'd just on board with was the ankle boots. Maybe. I'm so glad I don't read fashion magazines (well, rarely do I read them) or follow what's "in" for the season. I just go with my own ever changing style and constantly recycle my clothes season to season. Since I don't buy new clothes at all, it can be a challenge to dress accordingly. 

It's a rare occasion for my nails to be painted, but last week I splurged and bought Sally Hansen Salon Effects nail strips in leopard print. So silly, fun, and catlike. As if I'm not enough of a cat lady and poked fun of for my cat accessories. But really, these nail strips are great. I prefer nude nails, because I'm too tough on my hands for polish to last more than a day without chipping, and who has the time to keep up with that? Not me, that's for sure. With my recent 12 hours work days, there isn't a minute to spare for nail maintenance. These awesome strips lasted all weekend through power tool usage, hot gluing cassette wallets, spray painting fixtures, sewing, and swimming in a pool. Definitely Sally approved! And the best part: they don't stain my nails like regular polish! I can't wait to try out another design in a few weeks.

Outfit details::
Shirt: Plato's Closet. Belt: vintage. Skirt: Old Navy, but thrifted. Shoes: Gap City Flats.
Watch: vintage Casio. Cardigan: thrifted. Purse: Pussycat Vintage.

Happy Monday everyone! Hope you all enjoyed your Labor Day weekend. Back to work for me. Today I'm making more purses and perfecting my baggy t-shirt pattern. I have a ton of tissue tee material, and a lot of plans for cozy flowing shirts. What are your Tuesday plans?


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