Full blooms

Finally. Our gorgeous azalea bushes have bloomed in the yard. Today is the fullest bloom yet, with just a few buds waiting to open. In a week or so most of them will start to fall off, so we have to quickly enjoy their beauty while it lasts. I don't recall if we have these flowering bushes in Michigan; I'm almost positive they wouldn't survive the cold. Today Zeus and I took a moment to snap a few shots of the gorgeous bush and my obnoxiously high bun I'm sporting today.

It's funny how beautiful these beautiful bushes only bloom once a year, and only for a very short while. Makes me wonder if they're worth it? I drive by houses up in "the hill" area of town, all the mansions that line Walton Way, and this week their yards are full of pinks, reds, whites, and it is the most beautiful thing! But most of the year, they're just all green? Wouldn't it be worth it to have a flowering rose bush that blooms a few times a year? Hmmm.. I need to think about these things for my eventual home someday in the far off future. 

My new favorite thing. This bun! My hair almost matches the bush in lightness; I am so thrilled! When I Facetimed with my dad the other morning while baking some blueberry pies (yay my dad has an iPad!), he shrieked, "My GOODNESS Sal! Your hair isn't blonde, it's white!" Needless to say, he's not a huge fan of my hair. But what can ya do? He's far, far away, and he can't tell me no. Hehe.

I'm loving the blonde though. It's so different from what I'm used to. Perhaps red will be next when the leaves start to change in the fall. Although blonde is very high maintenance, I'm not minding the new routine too much.

For those of you loving this as much as me, and with long hair: To do this bun, I flip my head upside down and brush it out. Then I gather my hair about three inches from my forehead and voila. Make a bun. I pin back the little whispys hanging out and tuck them on the backside of the bun for a more dramatic effect. 

Also, use a good creamy pomade for fly-aways, and and a quick shot of hairspray on the bun.

"HEEEYYY ZEEEUUUUS!" That dummy is so exhausted today from a really long walk and adventure around town. When he's tired, he is not smart. He is obstinate and moody. Restless and whiny. Or sweet and super attentive so I'll take him any way I can get him.

We snuggled for about 10 seconds on the sheet in the yard before he ran away from me to go sit on grass. I never understand him. In the house, he lays on everything nice and clean. Outside, I bring him something to lay on and he prefers the dirt (and sometimes poo) to roll around in. Oh, the inner-working of his mind are something I can't even begin to comprehend!

Also! I made these jeans. Tutorial here. Hope ya'll are having a great Thursday. The weekend is almost here! Hooray. Matt and I head to the Masters on Sunday. I can't wait to see the azaleas at the Augusta National. Last year, they bloomed a month before the tournament, and this year will be perfect!

Are flowers blooming where you are? I've always known April showers bring May flowers. Here it's March showers, April flowers, and that doesn't quite have the same ring...


  1. I *love* your hair color! Someday I'd love to try it, I'm just nervous to fry my hair with bleach. It looks great with your white flowers!
    ~Daphne, http://daphne-apictureisworth.blogspot.com/

    1. Thanks! Surprisingly my hair isn't fried. My stylists uses this new lightener that actually deposits silk protein into the hair as it lightens. If you're serious about going blonde, find a salon that uses Goldwell products. It's a miracle how soft my hair is!!

  2. You look so beautiful! I love these photos!

  3. You look stunning with that blonde hair!

  4. I absolutely love your hair! You look unbelievably gorgeous with both dark and light locks. And I agree, the first thing I thought of when I saw these was that you match the blooms!

  5. Very fashionable and artistic shots!

    xx Joanne S.
    Discover & follow fabulous fashion bloggers.

  6. You always looked beautiful, but change is good ,and you look stunning!I'm always changing my hair color,not as much as before, now that i'm older, but I still do . You also look skinnier. You go girl!


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