It's all coming together

Yesterday, after a long day of sewing, cleaning, dying lingerie, organizing, and my general Saturday regimen, Sarah came over. I love Saturdays. After I had finished half of a pizza, yup half, we went to Joann's to get some crafting supplies while my coupons were still valid ($10 off $10 or more is a pretty sweet deal).
Sarah purchased modeling clay in 10 different colors she is going to use to turn vintage clip-on earrings into plugs. Sometimes I miss my 00s, especially with Sarah's new plugs. 
Sarah makes amazing jewelry by reworking vintage jewelry. Since my photoshoot is tonight, I thought pairing each piece with some of her jewelry would be a great way to cross promote our products. We picked out a pair to go with each of the 15 or so pieces. 

Off to David's Bridal soon. I'm working open to close today. I hope the day flies by! As soon as I get out of work, I'm racing home, picking up all the pieces, and heading to David's studio with Sarah and my model, Chrisi. 


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