Snow day!

It snowed in Georgia today! The entite city of Augusta literally shut down. Since it snowed a few inches and then rained, everything was closed! The south can't handle snow like my native Michigan. I got the day off, which was fantastic. I called up my friend, Lizzy, and we walked around downtown taking pictures.
I got all bundled up in my teal leather gloves, Nine West cowboy boots, and "winter" denim jacket I bought from Tieka at Selective Potential. I knitted the hat I'm wearing. 

We went to the Springfield Park at 12th and Reynolds. I jumped in the fountain that was like a skating rink and slid around like a crazy woman. I love that my cowboy boots don't have much tread, makes for fun on the ice.
A berry bush by the Botanical Gardens on Reynolds Ave.
It was crazy how empty the roads were. Silly Georgians can't handle a little slush on the road. With everyone home from work, and everything being closed, I guess no one had anywhere to go. Plus they can't handle the cold. No offense to you southerners, us Michigan folk are just a little tougher. Haha.
My friend, Lizzy, and I reviewing the pictures. He did a great job!
A crazy metal statue at the top of Springfield Park.
Icicles on everything!
 Lizzy and I. 
 Lizzy and Reece.
On our way back to Broad Street, and the only footprints on the sidewalk were ours.
Goofing around outside of Mellow Mushroom.
Great day for a snow day. I definitely needed this. I get so homesick and miss Michigan all the time. Today made it a little better. Brought me back to Michigan winters. Too bad everything will melt tomorrow and it will be back to normal Georgia winter (Michigan fall) in a few days. I'm glad it snowed regardless.


  1. Glad you got to play in the snow!! Looks like a lot of fun, but being here in the Midwest, and surrounded by snow, I know I wouldn't mind a day or two of that then back to Fall weather! :)

    LOVE your gloves and boots and coat too!!!! I actually discovered your blog through Tieka's, when you did a giveaway on her blog! Been following ever since :)


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