Goodbye David's Bridal

Yesterday was my last day of work as a seamstress/fitting specialist at the bridal chain David's Bridal. I had been working there for about eight or nine months, part time. It was a great job. My boss, Alethia, found through my blog! She runs the website SewMuchTalent.

I'm really going to miss the few women I worked with in alterations: Alethia, Kiem, Kassara, and Tianay (we all had the craziest names in the store ha). I never really spent much time with all the other women that work there, the consultants and women out on the sales floor selling gowns. I'd just sit back in the work room, sewing, doing fittings, steaming gowns, etc. So much fun.

While it was great to work as a seamstress, it really motivated me to sew my own designs even more. I'd sit all day sewing poorly manufactured (sorry DB) bridesmaids and wedding gowns and wish I were home doing what I really was meant to do: making my own clothes. Even when a consultant questioned my notice for leaving, she said, "...but you're so good at alterations..", I replied, "Exactly, I'll be better and happier doing this at home."

Aside from my co-workers, the best part about my job was the machine! Oh my goodness, what a treat! I love love loved my commercial sewing machine I got to use there (above). That will definitely be my next investment, but mine will be a Juki instead of a Brother.

I'm really, really going to miss this: the rolled hem foot on my machine (above). It's ridiculously fun to sew a rolled hem on a commercial sewing machine. Maybe I'm nuts, but I would sew these for days and days if I could! The foot attachment rolls the fabric over twice to create a very small double-fold hem. It's great on satin and chiffon.

Most of you have heard the term "bridezilla" coined by some reality TV show. But they do exist, especially at this Augusta branch. Full of self-importance, rude, cruel, and a complete disregard for any other peoples feelings or thoughts. Women that think we are miracle workers, when in all reality, sewing is sewing, and there is only so much one can do to fit a gown to a body. When it is your job to sew the most important dress a woman will ever wear, it can be quite daunting when they are difficult and nasty people. It made me want to rip out my hair. 

There were other times, when the bride was such a pleasure to pin and fit. She would be glowing and so excited just to get married to her fiance. Those were my favorites. 

I can't wait to spend every morning waking up, brewing a pot of coffee and locking myself in my sewing rooms. From here on out, I have no excuses on getting things done. All my backed up custom orders will be finished very soon, and my lingerie line will continue to grow. I should also have the three or four wedding gowns I'm repurposing finished my April. 
Oh yeah, and today is my 26th birthday. I'm getting old. A great gift to myself: the chance to sew full-time again! YAY!


  1. Whoooooo. Good luck with this new chapter in your career.

  2. Goodbye to the past, hello to the future!!! Can't wait to watch your progress and your happiness doing what you truly love!

    And happy birthday, beautiful!! Hope you get to celebrate whole heartily your new freedom and your new year! 26 is a great age, enjoy all that is around you! <3

  3. With your talent and drive, you are sure to succeed! Looking forward to seeing your star rise!

  4. LOL! Great blog Sally~ I never saw this until now. Tianay was telling me about it today.
    Thanks for such great compliments.
    And, I ditto the other commentors~ You WILL be very successful at whatever you put your hands to... You have the focus, the drive, and the determination! I commend you on taking that leap of faith to step into your God-given talent. You are GREAT at it~ You are doing exactly what youwere meant to do. Move forward and continue to fulfill your dreams, an dI'll keep checking in to see all your accomplishments.
    It was a pleasure to have met you, and I look forward to working with you again on some other projects.

    Peace and blessings!

  5. You know, I'm pretty sure that you could get a rolled hemmer foot for that Kenmore of yours. They're not that expensive on eBay.


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