Sundays in the park

I love lazy Sundays. Yesterday I walked to the Riverwalk, about a mile from my house and along the Savannah River, to read all afternoon. It was too nice of a day to stay indoors working online. I've decided to make all Sundays from now on "no work" days. My one day of the week that I do not allow myself to work on my business at home.
This little park at Eighth Street is my new favorite place. I spread out a sheet and enjoyed the sunny weather. Before coming down to the park, I stopped at New Moon and picked up a chicken sandwich and a peach strawberry smoothie. I really need to invest in a cute little picnic basket and a bike rack so I can prepare food at home and ride up here. I can't wait for picnics!
Skirt: thrifted, $2. Shirt: repurposed, gift.
Belt: thrifted $1. Hat: Plato's Closet, $5.
After reading for a few hours, and falling asleep a few times, I walked up to Pizza Joint to meet some friends. Snapped this picture (above) in a local store window. I planned on taking pictures with my DSLR at the park but as soon as I got out my Nikon, and framed my first picture my camera said "no SD card inserted". I could have thrown something. Typical Sally. I forget everything! 


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