Miracle Mile Breast Cancer Walk with 95 Rock

About 7,000 people took to the streets of downtown Augusta early this morning to walk for break cancer. It was a bright and beautiful morning! I walked with the guys of 95 Rock (Augusta's FM rock station) the 3 mile path winding through historic downtown to raise money for the local hospital, University Hospital.

Over $250,000 was raised for free mammograms for local women! That's right, a quarter MILLION dollars! I think it is so awesome that all the money stays here in Augusta! It was such an amazing event. I'm so glad I donated my time and money today.

The handsome men of 95 Rock. Matt Stone (my lovely boyfriend), Chuck Williams, and Sanj. 95 Rock raised over $1,500! Matt designed these awesome pink t-shirts for us all to wear and also for all that donated more than $10 to the station's team. Great job guys!

I hope to be more involved with this event should I happen to live in Augusta next year. It's amazing the powers of a community when everyone comes together. If only there was more awareness for prostate cancer, a cancer that affects more men than breast cancer affects women. I wish there was a Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. Soon, I hope.


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