New 'do

Did I tell you all how I recently became a blonde? I realized the other day that most of my recent pictures on this blog have caught me with a bun on top of my head, as I haven't posted anything other than Shelby updates lately. My apologies. A few weeks ago, I went to a new hairdresser for a much needed trim and to start the slow process of turning my dark locks to blonde.

The last time I was blonde, it ended badly. Well, kind of. My hair was fried, and there was no dimension to my hair, it was just all one color. My dark roots showed within a few days and I hated it. I was also 20 and had absolutely no self control. I shaved my head a week later, completely shaved it! I did it the day after Thanksgiving as a matter of fact, to save my family from freaking out at the new 'do. I was in college so they wouldn't see it until I went home for Christmas. Of course they all hated it, but I loved the freedom of no hair. 

Slowly, it grew back, and I promised myself if I ever went blonde again, I would slowly and gradually  change my color. Do it the right way. My new stylist started with an ombre dye job, with the first four inches of growth remaining slightly red, and my chocolate roots.

The second time I went back, last week or so, she foiled the hell out of it, making it more honey in color. And while I can't wait to go back and go the next step, she's a responsible colorist, and is making me wait so my hair remains healthy.  Next time, full on blonde! I want ash blonde locks and minimal brown. I still have a handful of my natural color underneath, at the base of my skull, and it's fun to see the brown when I wear a bun, but I want it g-o-n-e, gone! Eep, I can't wait to go back to the salon!

And it's so odd how colors look different with my lighter color. I love love love wearing brown. But before, this outfit would have been brown overload. Brown hair, brown leggings, brown boots. Now, it makes me hair "pop" and appear so much lighter.

Isn't it strange how your hair color can dictate your outfit choices? This spring will be interesting...

The best part about a new hair color, is the surprise I see on people's face that don't recognize me. I'll pass friends on the street and they don't even realize it's me! It makes me giggle. Then I get the "oh I love it so much better than the dark," and I sneer on the inside a bit, because that's just not nice, my natural color is awesome. I can't wait for freckles and sun kissed skin this spring with my new hair color. It's like I'm a completely different person!


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