Braves Country

This past weekend Matt and I, along with his best friend from Alabama, attended the Braves games against the Mets. Can you believe it was my first major baseball game?! It was a blast, and we had amazing seats. Enjoy some photos from the game. Unlike most sporting events, I was able to bring in my SLR and take some great shots of the ball players. Oh yeah, and my hair is pink/maroon/apple now.

We even sported Braves apparel. Go Braves! I've never been one for athletics, but being with Matt has opened up more sports I'd never otherwise enjoy. Golf, football, and baseball. I will say, before Matt, I sat down and watched the entire Ken Burns documentary on baseball, and I love the sport. I'm just not going to games by myself or initiating the process. And I've attended a handful of minor league games. Matt's a crazy Braves fan, and he splurged on some amazing seats behind home plate. It was insane how the perspective of the field and it's size changed from where we were sitting.

And they won! Mets, 4, Braves 9. What a game. We had so much fun eating park food, sipping on a few beers, and loving baseball. We definitely have to do this again soon. 

Hope y'all are enjoying your week. I'm busy, busy, busy. Special announcement coming soon. Betcha can't wait to hear what it is.....!!?


  1. Great photos of the game! And I seriously LOVE LOVE LOVE your new hair color, it looks gorgeous!!

    1. Thanks! the blonde had to go. unfortunately. :/

  2. Whoa, whoa, and whoa! Did you dye your hair?

    1. yes ma'am! The blonde was getting to be a lot of work, and with the upcoming move and summer at the beach, not quite the hair I wanted to maintain.

  3. Baseball games are so much fun, I can't wait to go this year! Love your new hair color :)

    1. Thanks!! The purple is so fun. and baseball was great!!!

  4. Looks like a fun afternoon!

    xo Jennifer


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