DIY: Shorten a polyester skirt

So many skirts and so many possibilities. I never rule out a skirt at the thrift store because of it's hem, and neither should you. In less than 30 minutes, you can have a new skirt, at just the length you desire, with just a few simple steps. This tutorial will require hand sewing and basic machine skills. Difficulty level: easy/beginner. Follow along and you'll see how easy it is!

You will need:
  • chalk hem marker
  • skirt
  • needles
  • scissors or rotary cutter
  • hand needle
  • matching thread
  • seam binding
Start by marking your skirt with a chalk hem marker (not pictured but instructions here). Cut fabric below chalk with enough seam allowance to sew seam binding, I usually cut 1/2" below my mark. But this can be different for everyone. 1+2) Sew seam binding to raw edge of hem. Back stitch when you get to the end. 3) Pin skirt and press. When you press, the chalk marks should be right along the fold. 4) Hand stitch an invisible hem. You will grab ever 3/4"-1" of fabric, catching a little bit of the skirt and come through the seam binding. Press again and voila. New skirt!

This tutorial is something you can use over and over again. Insivible hems always look so much better than a rolled or double folded hem. It's a little bit more work because of the hand sewing, but SO worth every minute. 

And I'm sure some of you are saying, that skirt was great before, and I'm sure some of you would opt to leave it be. While I love long maxi skirts, I know me, and I know I'm more likely to wear a skirt above my knees in this type of fabric. Plus, hot weather is already here in Georgia. I can't wait for hot hot heat! 

Oh yeah, and my hair is super short now. I'm rocking a men's pompadour. My girlfriend and I shaved the side of my head the other day, and yesterday the rest came off. I still have a good bit on the left side, with an asymetrical women's pompadour look. Now I need to experiment with all kinds of pomade and see which one I like the best. Pretty fun. While I loved my blonde hair, it was breaking too much and I wanted something short and sassy for the hot summer.

Happy Friday, friends! I hope y'all have a great weekend. Wishing you all the best of weather for lovely spring cookouts and outdoor activities with your loved ones. Matt is participating in a Marine Mud Challenge this weekend, and I can't wait to spend tomorrow finishing Shelby's interior! 


  1. This is so great. I've needed some tutorials for changing the hem on a skirt. Thank you! Ps your hair is incredible

    1. I hope you find it helpful with your sewing! and THANKS! It's definitely a change from what I'm used to :)

  2. Ooh I like it short!

    xo Jennifer


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