Augusta Pride

Augusta's 2nd Annual "Augusta Pride" Day was this past Saturday. I woke up bright and early to ride the float for The Fox's Lair with some friends. Enjoy some pictures from the day, courtesy of my friend Allison. I got all the way down there, DSLR in hand, and I realized I forgot to put the battery back in my camera. Good job, Sally.
The Commons before the festival. I love the rainbow archway! The Commons is a large grassy area between Broad Street and Reynolds, where all kinds of events downtown are held. I recently went to a crawfish festival here a few weeks ago. Arts in the Heart will be there this summer. The best art festival in Augusta, lasting for three days. It's so nice having a downtown capable of hosting some great weekend events!
LOVE WINS! I learned so much about Georgia this weekend. While I am straight, I have many gay, bisexual, and transgender friends. And they do not have rights in this state. The south is so backwards. They should have the same marital rights, employment opportunities, and human rights as anyone else. My boss even, he and his partner should have the option to marry, share benefits, take advantage of each others retirement, etc. I guess I just don't see the big deal about gay marriage. Just because of the gender of the two wanting to marry. 
Two people that don't even like each other can marry, as long as they are man and woman, but two people completely in love cannot because our society is bigoted and backwards. The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) of 1996 explicitly defined a federal law stating marriage was between a man and a woman. Six states and Washington D.C. currently recognize same-sex marriages. Those states are Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, and starting in late July, New York. Recognize a pattern here? They are all New England states, with the exception of Iowa and New York. Forty states currently BAN same-sex marriage, that's right BAN it! Some of those states are kind enough to recognize other states same-sex marriages or offer civil unions similar to marriage.
I hope to see these laws changed in my lifetime. Love is not based on gender. And neither should marriage. While I don't know if I'll ever get married, I have the right to. And that shouldn't be an option for me only because I am straight. C'mon America. Get with the times! 
Charlie, Traye, and I. Charlie and his wife, Allison, were just married in California last month and they have a baby on the way! Charlie is an officer in the Army. I'm sad they'll be moving to Italy in a few months, but can't wait to plan a trip to visit them!
People like this are the problem. These man stood at the start of the parade holding signs all day. Last year's sign read "God hates fags". We threw beads at them, and a man on our float yelled at them "Jesus still loves you too!" And they were so mad that they were not making us angry. I threw beads at him and he swatted them away with his sign, haha. They're just a bunch of closed minded jerks. I'm sure they also have Confederate flags on their pickups. But they're "Christians". Protesters make me angry. I understand it's their constitutional right, and that's fine, but when they're spreading hate, it's just not right.
Overall though, all politics aside, it was a great day. I had so much fun with my friends. Sorry for the rant, but I am very passionate about this issue. What are your thoughts on gay rights, gay marriage? I'd love to hear them. And do your cities have Pride events this month?

Photo credit: Allison Viera, Fred Swindell, and Facebook.


  1. I think this will be our generation's Civil Rights Movement. I hope I see change in my lifetime, too. I firmly believe that in a few decades, everyone will look back on this time and realize how wrong they were. Just like so many did years after the disintegration of segregation. The most common argument I encounter is something along the lines of "God doesn't like homosexuals." Well, that's the same thing they said about African Americans. "God doesn't want colored people to share our rights." I know things are still far from perfect, especially in the south (I'm from Mississippi, and it's still horrible--discrimination for being gay, black, Hispanic, non-Christian, liberal, etc.), but even we've made some progress in terms of racism, at least compared to 50 years ago. So there has to be hope. There has to be. It may just take a while. Let's keep fighting.


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