DIY Recycling Old Candle Wax
Make Your Own Candles!
Guest post: Rachael of The Fanciful Dreamer

Hey everyone! Rachael here, Sally's sister. Sick of throwing away old candle wax and candles that have run out of wick but still have plenty of wax left? Save the remaining candle wax when they've burned down. No need to throw them away! All you need is a bunch of candle ends, an old pot, old salsa or jam jars, a strainer, and new wicks.

I have been throwing all my candle ends in a Tupperware box for a while. This project is great to do every few months to make some new candles when you have a nice stock of wax. When a candle burns down, I throw it in the pile. I finally got enough jars and small containers to pour the new candle into. Old glasses or pickle jars work as well!

First, divide you wax by color and scent. Musky scents and floral were definitely separated!

Second, melt all the wax in an old pan. Do not use a pan that you cook with! I like to use an old pan that is used for other crafting activities, like dying fabric and lingerie. I purchased the pot at the thrift store for a very modest price. 

Third, place the new wick in the jar, there will be directions on the store bought wicks. Pour the melted wax through a strainer and into the jar. One trick I learned while doing this is to strain it into something that pours easily. I cut a laundry detergent bottle in half and used that to be able to pour it into small jars. Before that I tried a bowl and ended up with a sink and counter full of wax, which turns out doesn't go down the sink well, good thing I live in apartments and can call maintenance!

If you want to have some really fun candles, you can also layer the candle wax by letting it cool between pouring wax in the containers. I made 9 new candles! And to think that was otherwise trash! The average candle costs around $5-10, so I saved at least $50. It was very fun and an easy way to recycled! 

Questions? Comments! My blog will be coming soon! 



  1. Can't wait to try this!! Thank you for such a helpful tutorial :)

  2. do the candles still have scent, when u make new candles. can u add scents to the wax

    1. They still have scent! I'm sure you could add some essential oils to the wax when it's melted!


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