Down to the wire - What I Wore:: 5.22.12

Once again it's down to the wire. Eight days until my art opening at a downtown gallery, Gaartdensity Gallery (pronounced Garden city). I am almost halfway done with framing, using only vintage framed and recycled cardboard to mount my embroidered pieces. Sometimes I think I scheduled this show too soon after my fashion show in April, but then I realize how well I thrive under time constraints and realize all is well, and the show will be amazing.

I'm proud to say, even more so than my last show, that nothing new is used. All the materials used in the framing and hanging of the lovely embroidered pieces is new. With my spring line, I, of course, had to purchase elastic that was new, as old elastic is no good for clothing. The embroidery thread was donated from a friend, so the only colors I could choose from were the box she gave me. The fabric stitched on was scrap pieces from my fabric shelf, reinforced with interfacing from a bolt in my sewing room, stretched on scrap cardboard from my stash or from boxes from the bar, that would have otherwise been trash, and framed in vintage, thrifted frames! I am so pleased! Aren't you so excited to see this collection?! I know I can't wait to show you all!

Nothing beats working from home everyday. This is my house I stand in front of in these photos. I live in a beautiful historic home in Olde Town Augusta. It was built in 1891, a politicians home originally, the Douglas Estate. I'm guessing it was split into apartments in the 1930s or 1940s. Matt, Zeus, the cat, and myself all share the spacious downstairs apartment. It's great to work from home and then take my breaks out on the lawn with Zeus.

Outfit details: The t-shirt I'm wearing is Charlotte Russe, years ago. I would never dream of shopping there now, I think I bought this back in 2007. Originally white and I wore it for years. When it became worn and no longer a pretty bright white, I threw it in with a batch of lingerie I was dying, turning it pink, hiding all stains! A great way to reuse white clothes and extend their life. The skirt was purchased during my recent trip to Florida, and was shortened 9 inches and the elastic reinforced, as it was no longer holding it's elasticity. Shoes: Minnetonkas. This is my typical work day outfit, a t-shirt and a skirt. Slip on shoes.

Time to head to the thrift store for more frames and crossing my fingers I come across an old can of spray paint for an amazing plastic frame I found on Tuesday. It's a dingy white and reminds me of the old wall hanging I used to have in my bathroom. With a fresh coat of paint and a new center piece, my embroidered piece, it will be new again. 

Happy Thursday everyone!


  1. i love this pattern mixing. you are absolutely adorable, girl!!
    have fun thrifting! i really need to go soon ;)
    xo TJ


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