Thrifting: golden braids and old lady tables

Yesterday was a beautiful Saturday here in the south. It's unfortunate spring hasn't sprung everywhere yet. We're definitely enjoying this warm weather. My friend, Sarah, and I drove up to Columbia, South Carolina, an hour from Augusta, for a little thrifting and adventure. We hit a few thrift stores we went to last time, and a few that we had driven by and were on our list. 
Since Sarah is moving into a place soon with her kids there was much thrifting to be done. And thrifting is my fabric shopping. It's a great way for me to find new sources of inspiration in the fabrics I buy. I'm currently shopping for fabric for a new addition to my lingerie: two piece sets! I want to make comfortable little bloomers with a tie back bra to match. I've been buying a lot of silks and super soft cotton. A large women's blouse or cozy cotton printed tee are the perfect size. I was in thrifting heaven at His Store, a thrift store where all clothes are only $1!
Hilarious wall hanging! A girl on the phone with her puppy nearby. I love love love how her ponytail is free flowing and not attached to the fabric. I think I want to replicate this technique with an updated outfit and different colors. It reminds me of this Etsy seller's work.
Check out these amazing folding tables I found! They're not in perfect shape, there's a little rusted and bent. But they are perfect for me since I will be using them in my backyard. With a rag and some cleaner and my strong arms to straighten the delicate metal, they'll be just what I need!
They have beautiful painted flowers, birds, and butterflies. If my wicker furniture doesn't already make passers-by think this house is inhabited by an old lady, these will surely do the trick! They'll be great stands for cocktails and food when I have guests or just enjoying the sunshine.
Who remembers these things?! Butane hair curlers. The first cordless curling iron. My sister had one when she was a teenager and I remember it being a really big deal when she'd let me use it. The butane refills didn't last long and they were really expensive (or they just seemed expensive because as a kid you never have money ha).
Another white lamp for Sarah. She has a thing for milk glass lamps, and white glass lantern lamps. This one was only $5! We found her another huge one for her living room. You can never have enough lamps. They're so much homier than overhead lighting. They really make a house a home. I recently fell in love with and watched the entire series of "Pushing Daisies". The Aunts on the show have so many lamps in their house, I just love it! I need to take a cue from them and get more for my house. (But not be a hoarding old woman. I've been getting freakishly close lately!)
$1 wall hanging! For my wall of chaos on my stairway (pictures soon).
Another packed car, kind of. I bought Matt a sweet 60s bachelor lamp. It's something a man with leather bound books and a liquor cabinet in his office would have had. Plus I got bags and bags of clothes. It's hard to say no to clothing when it's 50 cents or $1 and I can definitely make something out of it. I have been exercising a lot of "No, Sally, you don't need that" in my head, and I've actually been putting things back I don't need. Yay! Overcoming hoarding tendencies, kind of. 
This was the small and probably one of the more interesting things I bought. It was at His Store last time we went and I remember thinking to myself that it was junk and it should have just gone in the trash instead of on a table at a thrift store. But an idea struck me yesterday when I saw it. It's a small business card holder, I think. It says "Table Grace. Before we eat we bow our heads and thank thee God for our daily bread. Amen." It's very dirty, rusty, and not much to look at.
Since I have my first art show in almost a year next Sunday, Social Canvas, I needed a new business card holder. It has the prongs holding the little piece of paper, and I thought what a perfect little holder. I could put my card in that one's place and paint it. This was a perfect little thing to repurpose. And such a quick fix!
First, I cleaned it, scrubbed all the grime and dust off it, removed the paper, and dried with a towel. Then about 10 seconds of spray paint. I already had the paint from a previous project. I do not advise using spray paint indoors. Or on such a small piece of cardboard. Step outside and use a big newspaper if you're using spray paint. I'm just weird and the smell of spray paint doesn't bother me. I actually kind of like it. Plus I've been using spray paint for years and years and I don't make too much of a mess.
I allowed for it to dry then bent all of the prongs upward using my small pliers. I trimmed a business card to the perfect size. Then Tacky Glue! I don't trust just those prongs to hold the paper in place, and tacky glue works wonders on crafts.
Dabble a little on surface. I like to use a paint brush to cover the entire area needing glue. Carefully, I sat the card on the metal surface and left it for about 5 minutes. I then came back and bent all the prongs back down. 
It is so beautiful. And I'm not just saying that because there is a picture of me on it haha. It will be great for shows. A shopper will clearly know that they can find cards in this tray. Plus you can never go wrong with gold! 

Oh, and the winner of the Earth Day Giveaway is: Tess! Congrats. 
I hope you enjoy your reusable snack bag. Email me with your contact info, Tess. 

Another giveaway for Mother's Day next week!


  1. Found you on twitter. Awesome business card holder. Its amazing how with a little imagination, one can completely change their outlook and repurpose something so beautifully.

  2. Wow! You are so creative and very inspiring. :)


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