Repairing your boyfriend's jeans

You sew; your boyfriend doesn't. He gets you to fix all his clothes because you can. Does this sound familiar? This will be the first in a series of "boyfriend repairs" segment on my blog, titled "Sewing with Love", DIY instructions for all your boyfriend's and loved ones tailoring and sewing needs. 

Got a great DIY project you did for you boyfriend? Email me about a possible guest post!

Back to the tutorial... so your boyfriend has jeans with holes but doesn't want to part with them.

You will need:

  • scrap denim
  • pinking shears
  • scissors
  • thread
  • stitch witch
  • sewing machine
  • matching thread

Start by cutting out a patch, with the pinking shears, that will cover the hole with at least an extra inch on every side. Using pinking shears will prevent fraying. Cover all four sides with stitch witch and iron on the inside of the jeans, with the hole in the exact center of the patch. Press from both sides. Make sure every side of the patch is secure on the jeans.

Head over to your sewing machine, and be sure to change your needle to a "jeans" or heavy duty needle. I don't know how many times I was too lazy and impatient to do this and I broke a needle. And breaking needles is BAD for your machine. It can mess with the timing and cause future problems. So take a second and change that out, and thread with matching thread, or be creative and have fun with bold colored thread.

Top stitch around the hole, using a zig zag stitch around the frayed edges. This is where you can have fun with different ways of stitching. Make some triangles, an irregular patch job, whatever you want, as long as everything is secured and in place. 

Match all holes and surprise him with a "new" pair of jeans! They were so close to the Goodwill pile, and now they're back in rotation with all the other jeans he loves to wear! Make him cook you dinner for your kind deeds, or ask for a back massage. Bartering is great, huh? Just kidding. I just do it because I enjoy doing nice things for those I love.

What are your favorite things to sew for others? Or your boyfriend? 


  1. How do you fix a hole in a back pocket?

    1. Check out iron on patches. You can cut one to the size of the hole and iron it on from the inside. Pretty easy and a quick fix. You can also remove the pocket, patch it, sew it, and then sew it back onto the jeans.

      Best of luck!

  2. Nice to see mending still being done in this era of 'throw away'. You did a fine job of mending those jeans ....

    1. Exactly. I would much rather repair something I love than try to find something similar and new. Thanks for reading!

  3. Thank you for this post! My son decided to cut up his new jeans and I had no idea how to mend them and they still look cool. You saved the day!!!


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